As a cat owner, you know that it’s important for your cat to have access to fresh, clean water. But do you know how much your cat should be drinking? Dehydration is a common problem in cats and can pose significant risks to your pet’s health.
In this article, we’ll discuss your cat’s water needs and how to monitor their hydration status. We’ll also share a few tips on how to increase your cat’s water intake and help keep them hydrated.
How Much Water Do Cats Need?
On average, cats need approximately 4 ounces of water per 5 pounds of body weight. However, the exact amount of water your cat needs depends on several factors and can vary.
One of the largest factors affecting your cat’s water needs is their diet. Wet food diets can contain up to 80% water and help improve your pet’s hydration. As a result, cats who eat wet food typically need to drink less water throughout the day.
Other important factors that can change your cat’s water requirements include your cat’s activity level and environment. Cats who are more active will need to drink more water to stay hydrated. Additionally, warmer weather conditions and certain health problems can increase your cat’s water needs and their risk of dehydration.
Monitoring Your Cat’s Hydration
Water is essential for maintaining your cat’s bodily functions and long-term health. Because of this, it’s important to monitor your pet’s water intake closely and note any changes to your cat’s drinking habits.
Here are some of the best ways to monitor your cat’s hydration status and make sure they are drinking enough water:
Know the Signs of Dehydration
Knowing the signs of dehydration is a critical part of keeping your pet safe. Some of the most common symptoms of dehydration in cats include decreased appetite, decreased energy, sunken eyes, and panting.
If you notice any of these signs in your cat, it’s essential to act quickly. Make sure your cat has access to fresh water and call your veterinarian if your cat’s symptoms do not improve.
Pay Attention to the Litter Box
While no one enjoys cleaning out their cat’s litter box, this simple act can tell you a lot about your cat’s health and hydration status. If your cat is dehydrated, they may not be urinating as frequently, and you may notice their litter box has fewer wet spots or clumps. Additionally, dehydration can cause constipation, and your cat’s stools may appear small and hard.
Check Your Cat’s Gums
Another easy way to monitor your cat’s hydration status is to check your cat’s gums. If your cat is well hydrated, their gums should be moist and pink. Dry or pale gums can be a sign your cat isn’t getting enough water.
Perform a Simple Skin Test
Getting a good look at your cat’s gums can be tricky. Luckily, there is another easy way to get quick information about your cat’s hydration status. With your cat sitting on your lap, gently lift the skin between their shoulder blades and then let go. The skin should go back into place quickly. However, in dehydrated cats, the skin may take longer to return to normal.
Keeping Your Cat Hydrated – Preventing Dehydration
Keeping your cat hydrated is a key part of maintaining your cat’s health and reducing their risk of dehydration. However, getting your cat to drink more water can be tricky. Cats can be very particular about their water bowls and sensitive to environmental changes.
If your cat seems disinterested in their water bowl, start by making sure the water is fresh and clean. Food particles or other debris in the water can be off-putting and cause your cat to stop drinking. You can also set up additional water bowls in areas your cat frequents. This can be particularly helpful for older cats who have a hard time getting around and don’t want to walk far to get a drink.
Another easy way to improve your cat’s hydration is to make some simple changes to your cat’s diet. For cats on a dry food diet, consider incorporating wet food or broth into your cat’s regular meals. Not only can these additions add some delicious flavor, but it’s also an easy way to increase your cat’s water intake.
Final Thoughts
Understanding your cat’s drinking habits and water needs can be challenging. Luckily, there are some simple ways you can monitor your pet’s hydration status and prevent dehydration.
For additional information about your cat’s water needs, consider scheduling an appointment with your veterinarian. Your vet can perform a thorough assessment of your pet’s health and make recommendations based on your cat’s unique needs.
While every cat’s water needs are a bit different, we hope this information will help keep your cat healthy, happy, and hydrated.
Not sure where to start with feeding wet food?
Learn more about Nulo’s line of wet food for cats.