MindBodyGreen & Nulo

With a similar approach to health, Nulo is excited to collaborate with MindBodyGreen on sharing ideas to guide you and your pet along your personal wellness journey. Nulo is here to lead your pet along that same path through inspiring pet parents to stay #HealthierTogether.

We set out to be a different kind of pet food company, using only the finest natural ingredients. Alongside some of the brightest minds in the pet food industry, we created a superior pet food with our patented GanedenBC30 probiotic to aid digestion. Our food is grain-free and high in animal-based protein with low glycemic carbs for sustained energy. Every day we inspire people to live active, healthy lifestyles with their pets while making better choices in their nutrition.

To those who don’t feed their pets Nulo, welcome! We hope you will soon discover that we are much, much more than a pet food company. To start, we invite you to compare your current food below:

If you already know Nulo, it is no surprise that the Vitality Experts at MindBodyGreen endorse us because we have a similar approach to true wellness: NO SHORTCUTS.

Sam Talbot · NYC

@cheftomtalbot // Sam Talbot is a professional chef, Top Chef contestant, restaurateur, surfer, painter, philanthropist, and, since the age of 12, type 1 diabetic. Yet he has not let the disease stop him from living a rich life packed with energy, adventure, and achievement—culinary and otherwise. 

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Maggie Michalczyk · Chicago

SHIM @onceuponapumpkin // Maggie is a registered dietitian, nutrition consultant and social media influencer in Chicago. She is the voice behind her Instagram and blog @onceuponapumpkin, and frequently appears on TV in Chicago featuring fun foods & health tips. 

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Jules Hunt · Austin

SHIM @omandthecity // Jules is a wellness entrepreneur who also teaches yoga and mindfulness. But a big part of her life is being a dog mom to her rescue pup, and she wants Luna to live her best life, too. 

Get her full story on MBG